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UK Sentry fleet halved in less than 12 months 14th February Royal Air Force Boeing United Kingdom Ministry of Defence News The Royal Air Force (RAF) has halved its number of operational Boeing D Sentry AEW1 airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft, in preparation for its replacement, the E7 Wedgetail AEW1 Britain's D Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) is based on Boeing's 707 family, and its ability to see and direct air operations within hundreds of miles provides vital strategic support The D Sentry entered RAF service in March 1991 as part of the RAF's Intelligence, Surveillance, Targeting and Reconnaissance fleet

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The Japanese Spitz was developed by Japanese breeders at the time of the 19s, and bringing in quite a number of dog breeds to do so The breeders started with the white German Spitz dogs but later other white Spitz breeds were imported and crossed into this developing breedDESCRIPTION Dad is a purebred Japanese Spitz and mum is a purebred Border Collie (wheaten and white) Both parents and pups have great temperaments and are well socialised with kids and other animals These puppies make great companion and assistance dogs or pets Puppies have basic obedience training and i can provide additional informationGerman Spitz dogs were brought to Japan via China and were bred with white Spitz dogs from all over the world to create a loving, energetic, loyal and playful breed The recognition of the dog as a specific breed was delayed by World War II, but the Japanese Kennel Club quickly named the breed at the conclusion of the war in the late 1940's

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