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I'm hesitant to buy it for 7 dollars when I don't know if it actually had a player base Id rather not get stuck playing against botsThe Agricola base game is a revised edition of Uwe Rosenberg's celebrated classic The game is designed for 14 players, features improved allwood components and a card selection from the base game as well as its expansions, revised and updated for this edition Players begin the game with two family members and can grow their families over

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High quality Call Me If You Get Lostinspired gifts and merchandise Tshirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hoursCALL ME IF YOU GET LOST Pretty dope first listen Definitely a straight hip hop album T on some braggadocio too, although its more just straight confidence/inspiration shit tbh Really like it Best songs WUSYANAME, MASSA, RUNITUP, MANIFESTO, RISE!, JUGGERNAUT, WILSHERE (last18k votes, 32 comments 312k members in the fakealbumcovers community Welcome to /r/fakealbumcovers!

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